Wishbone Trolley Coin Keyring (Stamped Iron Soft Enamel Infill)

Wishbone Trolley Coin Keyring (Stamped Iron Soft Enamel Infill)

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  • SKU: bpp-01939

    A zinc alloy wishbone-shaped holder including an iron trolley coin with a recessed design stamped on 1 or both sides and a soft enamel infill of up to 4 spot colours. Soft enamel is best for creating detailed and textured coins with raised and sunken areas. Perfect for promoting any kind of business. The holder is fitted with a metal jump ring and split ring. Supplied with a polished nickel-plated or brass-plated finish as standard. 2 standard coin sizes: £1/1€. Optional extras: additional spot colours/laser engraving on holder/alternative plating/alternative finish/printed backing card. Also available without any infill for an entirely metal coin or with a full colour print. High-quality bespoke keyrings are long-lasting and popular products people always keep close at hand. They make a great retail product and an effective promotional tool when used as a gift or giveaway item.
  • Personalisation Area:
    Print Dimensions (Not to Scale) W 21mm x H 21mm
    Soft Enamel Infill
    Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 30 g
    Product Width: 31 mm
    Product Height: 70 mm

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